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Prof. So Won Youn

Office Address : Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University

                             222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul,                                   04763, Korea

Phone : +82-2-2220-2542 (Office)

Fax : +82-2-2298-0319

E-mail :

Awards and Honors

- Excellent Dissertation Award, Department of Chemistry, KAIST (2001)


- Tetrahedron Most Cited Paper 2003-2006 Award


- Excellent Paper Awards in College of Natural Sciences,

  Pukyong National University (2008)


- Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (2008)


- Thieme Journal Award (2009)


- Award for the Researcher of the Month, Hanyang University (2015)


- The 6th Korean Society of Organic Synthesis Young Scientist Award (2017)


- The 16th Shim Sang Chul Award, Organic Chemistry Division,

  Korean Chemical Society (2019)


1992.3 - 1996.2     Yonsei University

                              B.S., Chemistry


1996.3 - 1998.2     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

                              M.S., Organic Chemistry (Prof. Yong Hae Kim)


1998.3 - 2001.8     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

                              Ph.D., Organic Chemistry (Prof. Yong Hae Kim)

Professional Affiliations

- Member of Korean Chemical Society (1996-present)


- Member of Korean Society of Organic Synthesis (2010-present)


- Member of Chem World Standing Committee of Korean Chemical Society (2009)


- Member of Publication Committee of Korean Chemical Society (2010-2011)


- Member of Preparatory Committee of International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 



- Director of Academic Affairs, Korean Chemical Society (2014)


- Member of Women Affairs Committee of Korean Chemical Society (2019-2020)

Research interest

- Development of New Synthetic Methodology


- Metal Catalysis


- Organocatalysis


- Heterocyclic Synthesis

Professional Experience

1998.3 - 1998.8       Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, KAIST


1998.3 - 2001.8       Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, KAIST


2001.9 - 2001.10     Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry, KAIST


2001.10 - 2003.8     Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry,                                                  Columbia University (Prof. Dalibor Sames)


2003.9 - 2005.8       Full time instructor, Department of Chemistry,                                                    Pukyong National University


2005.9 - 2009.2       Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,                                                  Pukyong National University


2007.12 - 2009.11   Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Pukyong       

                                National University


2009.3 - 2010.2       Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,                                                  Pukyong National University


2010.3 - 2015.2       Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,                                                  Hanyang University


2010 - 2011             Member of Public Relations Committee,

                                College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University


2015.3 - present     Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University


2018.9 - 2020.8       Committee Member of Human Rights Center,                                                    Hanyang University 


2019.9 - 2021.8       Head of Experimentation, Department of Chemistry,                                          Hanyang University


2020.3 - 2023.12     Vice Director, Industry-University Cooperation                                                    Foundation / Vice Director, Academic Research

                                 Affairs / Director, Seoul Cooperative Center for

                                Research Facilities, Hanyang University

2022.12 - 2024.12   Committee Member of LEPC(Local Emergency Planning                                  Committee) Chemicals Regional Council of Suwon-si 

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